Friday, January 16, 2015

All Boys, All Blogged: January 16, 2015

Focus: How can directorial choices deepen your understanding of Shakespeare?

Please turn in your signatures and banned book proposals.

1. Warming up with your friend, the hyphen

2. Putting your brain to the test by taking the quiz on hyphens

3. Hopefully, viewing the film version of Act 1 with same focus as yesterday:

In your "Ye Ole Daily Class Log" document, please try out the following tasks:
  • Find two symbolic choices made by the director.  Consider the actors, colors, objects, movements, and anything else that involved the director making a specific choice in turning this play into a film.
  • Why do you think he made these choices?
  • What did the film specifically help clarify for you?

Please turn in your yellow "quizzes" by the end of class if you did not turn yours in yesterday.

1. Spend at least thirty minutes reading your banned book.

2. Finish your Act 1 word trace entries.

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