Monday, May 11, 2015

All Boys, All Blogged: May 11, 2015

Focus: How do we turn our preparatory work into a film?

1. Warming up with happy Monday thoughts and self-editing your script

2. Offering you a few film-making options:

  • If your film will be five minutes or less (or you're willing to pay), try
  • If you have a Mac, use iMovie.
  • If you have a laptop with Windows and your film will be longer than five minutes, try Movie Maker.

3. Giving you time to gather images, music, and videos

Here are the helpful conversion websites I had on yesterday's blog:

Click HERE  for a website that converts youtube music videos to MP3s (this is an easy way to get music for your film).

Click HERE for a website that converts youtube videos into videos (MP4s) you can use in your film.


1. Record your narration at home.
2. Assigned book club reading and activities (characterization, setting, motifs).
3. MAY 14 is the final deadline for revisions, make-up work, etc.
4. MAY 15 is the final deadline for mockumentaries; late work will result in half credit only.

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