Friday, May 15, 2015

All Boys, All Blogged: May 15, 2015

Focus: What can we learn about our society through each other's films?

NOW is the time to e-mail me your film link and to turn in that F451 book if you haven't yet.

1. Warming up with a few final thoughts:
  • Take out/Google share your Works Cited page (unless your Works Cited is part of your film).  
  • Keep it on the quiet side...tests could be happening on the other side of the wall.
  • No late work will be accepted at this point; make-up work and revisions were due yesterday.
  • Final grades for this class will be posted by noon the day after your English final.
  • An 89.4% = B+; an 89.5 = A-. Grades are non-negotiable, so please don't e-mail me.
  • Watch each other's mockumentaries respectfully, and enjoy!

2. Presenting our films!

See you Monday, and good luck with the rest of your finals!

1 comment:

  1. Most academic institutions will require that all substantial facts, quotations, and other supporting material used in an essay be referenced in a bibliography at the end of the text
